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Tell me about your spiral.
What counting have you decided to do?
Have you noticed anything?
What will you do next?
If the pupils can think for themselves of an idea to extend the exploration by changing one of the rules slightly, that would be good. If not you could introduce the idea of exploring a "squares" spiral of the same number of circuits but changing the number of squares that follow the first square. (So instead of there being two more squares going up you could have three and then four etc.)
Some pupils may need help moving from the practical to recording. Some may have difficulty counting accurately.
Take a counter and surround it by a ring of other counters that MUST touch two others. How many are needed?
These squares have been made from Cuisenaire rods. Can you describe the pattern? What would the next square look like?
We can arrange dots in a similar way to the 5 on a dice and they usually sit quite well into a rectangular shape. How many altogether in this 3 by 5? What happens for other sizes?