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Use five steps to count forwards or backwards in 1s or 10s to get to 50. What strategies did you use?
What do you see as you watch this video? Can you create a similar video for the number 12?
Choose four of the numbers from 1 to 9 to put in the squares so that the differences between joined squares are odd.
Investigate which numbers make these lights come on. What is the smallest number you can find that lights up all the lights?
If there are 3 squares in the ring, can you place three different numbers in them so that their differences are odd? Try with different numbers of squares around the ring. What do you notice?
Try out this number trick. What happens with different starting numbers? What do you notice?
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in the squares below so that the difference between joined squares is odd. How many different ways can you do this?
Watch this animation. What do you see? Can you explain why this happens?
Can you order the digits from 1-3 to make a number which is divisible by 3 so when the last digit is removed it becomes a 2-figure number divisible by 2, and so on?
Try out some calculations. Are you surprised by the results?
There are nasty versions of this dice game but we'll start with the nice ones...
An investigation involving adding and subtracting sets of consecutive numbers. Lots to find out, lots to explore.
Take three consecutive numbers and add them together. What do you notice?