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Children often... The starting point is an activity with which children naturally engage.
Adults could... Here, suggested ways to build on the intitial activity are offered.
Encouraging mathematical thinking and reasoning: These bubbles offer lots of opportunities, prompts and possible routes through the activity supporting the children's mathematical thinking, reasoning and communicating. These activities can be revisited a number of times with different responses from the children on each occasion. Some of the subsections will not be relevant to
every activity. Each colour links to a different aspect.
The Mathematical Journey
In this section we unpack the big mathematical ideas taken from the curriculum strands and elaborate on them, providing examples. We offer examples of vocabulary that the children might use and illustrate their potential responses and progression through the ideas involved in the activity. These descriptions will help to identify the children's learning journey through the activity. An example
might be developing use of language to compare, contrast and describe.
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