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This problem offers an excellent opportunity for students to practise working with numbers and calculations expressed in standard index form.
The game can be played online using the interactive version. Alternatively, print off enough copies of the cards (Set A and Set B) so that students can work in pairs. The top 12 cards and the bottom 12 cards on each sheet form a set of six pairs. The cards becomes progressively more difficult. This means that students can work with a set of 6, 12, 18 or 24 pairs.
Here are some suggestions for games and activities that they could do:
Whether students have played online or with the cards, set aside some time at the end of the lesson to discuss the strategies they used to work out the calculations, and which pairs they found easiest/most difficult to match.
How do you know that two cards match?
Are some pairs easier to match than others?
Students could start by just matching the cards in the top half of Set A.
Invite students to create their own sets of cards with tricky examples, which they can then swap with another pair of students.
Work with numbers big and small to estimate and calculate various quantities in physical contexts.