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NRICH members have enquired about more ideas for particular tilings
of the plane, namely those where - NOT all corners of the tile are
vertices of the tiling.
Three such examples of this type of tiling are reproduced here.
Again, you might like to produce an elegant program to replicate one or all of these.
This develops some of the ideas in LOGO Challenge Triangles-squares-stars
A triomino is a flat L shape made from 3 square tiles. A chess board is marked into squares the same size as the tiles and just one square, anywhere on the board, is coloured red. Can you cover the board with trionimoes so that only the square is exposed?
Using LOGO, can you construct elegant procedures that will draw this family of 'floor coverings'?
Can you recreate these designs? What are the basic units? What movement is required between each unit? Some elegant use of procedures will help - variables not essential.