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By these rules NRICH can
at first change to RNICH but not to RINCH. What are the other
orders of the letters of the word NRICH that can be obtained in
just one change of this sort?
The following example shows very simple 'bell music' starting with a round and ending with a round of 4 bells, showing 8 of the 24 possible permutations, or orders.
Can you find the changes so that, starting and ending with a round, all the 24 possible permutations are rung once each and only once?
If it takes four men one day to build a wall, how long does it take 60,000 men to build a similar wall?
Every day at noon a boat leaves Le Havre for New York while another boat leaves New York for Le Havre. The ocean crossing takes seven days. How many boats will each boat cross during their journey?
On a clock the three hands - the second, minute and hour hands - are on the same axis. How often in a 24 hour day will the second hand be parallel to either of the two other hands?