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Circle any number in the matrix, for example, $608$ as below. Draw a line through all the squares that lie in the same row and column as your selected number.
Circle another number which has not got a line through it, for example, $343$ and again rule out all squares in the same row and column.
Repeat for a third time, then circle the remaining number which has not got a line through it.
Add all the circled numbers together. Note your answer.
Try again with a different starting number. What do you notice?
See if you can work out how this matrix works.
Below is a simpler one which might be easier to investigate.
Can you make a similar matrix which generates a different total?
These two group activities use mathematical reasoning - one is numerical, one geometric.
An investigation involving adding and subtracting sets of consecutive numbers. Lots to find out, lots to explore.
EWWNP means Exploring Wild and Wonderful Number Patterns Created by Yourself! Investigate what happens if we create number patterns using some simple rules.