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Published 2011 Revised 2017
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The connection between these pictures is a mathematical constant called the golden ratio or the divine proportion which often appears in mathematics, nature and art. The idea of this article is to map out for you, and guide you through, a sequence of NRICH challenges in which you can learn some mathematics by exploring the amazing properties of the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers. You
will find Hints and Notes to help you. Try to solve the problems by your own methods before looking at the published solutions which have been written by school students.
There are some side trips to explore properties of the Fibonacci numbers which are not essential for the main voyage of discovery. You can take these side trips if you have time or maybe return to them later. |
The first two terms are 1 and 1 and the sequence starts 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...
Now divide each term by the term before it and keep doing this for say 13 terms or more. What do you notice? Set up a spreadsheet like the one illustrated. One cell in the spreadsheet is outlined and you can see that the formula '=A3+A4' has been defined for that cell. The Fibonacci sequence has been produced by copying the formula down the column. In your spreadsheet change the first two terms to any values you choose. What happens to the sequence? What happens to the ratio of successive terms? You will find that, whatever the first two terms in the sequence, the ratio of successive terms quickly approaches a constant value. A later challenge in this trail leads to a proof that this value is the golden ratio. |
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Here are some rectangles. The yellow, orange and cream rectangles are similar in more than colour, they are mathematically similar, in fact they are enlargements of each other. The other two rectangles are different, the blue rectangle is longer and thinner in shape and the lilac rectangle is more square. How do you tell from the measurements of any pair of rectangles whether they are similar? The answer is you tell from the proportions of the rectangles. Divide the length of the long side by the length of the short side and if these ratios are the same then the rectangles are similar. |
For the next challenge you will need some squared paper. Draw bigger and bigger rectangles by adding on squares whose side lengths are the Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... etc. Start with two unit squares side by side as in the diagram. Then draw below a square of side 2 units to make a 3 by 2 rectangle, then on the left a square of side 3 units to make a 5 by 3 rectangle, then above a square of side 5 units to make an 8 by 5 rectangle. | ![]() |
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Continue in this way, building on the squares in a clockwise pattern. On a sheet of 5mm squared paper, taking 5 mm as the unit, you can just fit a rectangle of side 55 by 34.
Imagine drawing these rectangles on a large tiled courtyard so that you can go on making bigger and bigger rectangles. Notice that the sides of these rectangles are the Fibonacci numbers and as you draw bigger rectangles they get closer in proportions to the Golden Rectangle. Now draw a spiral starting in the bottom left hand corner of the unit square on the left; draw a smoothly curving arc to the opposite corner of the square, move into and across the next square in a smoothly curving arc, and so on across each square. This is called a logarithmic spiral. In a section of a Nautilus shell, in the arrangements of seeds on flower heads and in the segments of a pine cone we can see similar spirals. |
Take a strip of paper and loosely tie a simple knot, then very carefully adjust it so that it is perfectly symmetrical before you flatten it so that it forms a pentagon. Can you prove that this is a regular pentagon? Hold it up to the light. Can you see a five pointed star or pentagram inside your pentagon?
Now draw a regular pentagon using a ruler and a protractor to measure the angles of 108 degrees. Draw in the five chords to form a pentagram star inside your pentagon. Measure the length of one of the chords and the length of a side of the pentagon and divide the chord length by the side length. You should get a ratio about 1.62 and later we'll prove that the exact value of this ratio is the golden ratio. |
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An article introducing continued fractions with some simple puzzles for the reader.
For which values of n is the Fibonacci number fn even? Which Fibonnaci numbers are divisible by 3?