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Previous: FF1
This article focuses on drawing regular polygons; equilateral triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons etc. It's very easy. Here is a reminder of some of the PRIMITIVES (the commands) needed to start drawing:
FD forward
BK backward
LT left
RT right
PU pen up
PD pen down
HT hide turtle
ST show turtle
CS clear screen
CT clear text
Here is an example of the use of REPEAT. Try it!
REPEAT 5 [FD 30 RT 72]
Now try REPEAT 3 and REPEAT 4 etc and vary the distances and the angles.
Away you go!
Next: FF3
A Short introduction to using Logo. This is the first in a twelve part series.
Can you use LOGO to create this star pattern made from squares. Only basic LOGO knowledge needed.
Using LOGO, can you construct elegant procedures that will draw this family of 'floor coverings'?