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Domino Sorting printable sheet
ere are some dominoes taken out of the full set:
This problem will help learners to become more familiar with odd and even numbers, and number bonds to five. It will also challenge them to justify findings.
If you have an interactive whiteboard, you may find our Dominoes Environment useful for this problem.
You might want some children to find all the different ways of making pairs that add to $5$. This could be by picking two and then replacing them, or by finding all the different combinations which could be made at the same time (the problem as written focuses on the latter). Whichever way, part of their task should be to convince you that they have not missed any pairs out.
Domino Join Up is a similar problem which gives practice in number bonds to six, and could be used as an extension to this problem.
Children would really benefit from having sets of dominoes to manipulate as this allows them to change their mind easily, so giving them more confidence to begin the task, and also prevents them from using any domino twice.
Andrew decorated 20 biscuits to take to a party. He lined them up and put icing on every second biscuit and different decorations on other biscuits. How many biscuits weren't decorated?