You've maybe come across a challenge of putting five squares
together in different ways - often called pentominoes.
So here are five squares and four ways of putting them together -
there are obviously more ways. (You could try the
Penta Place problem if you haven't seen this before.)
You may even have done a similar
challenge using triangles (if not have a go at our
Tri-five problem). Like this:
But the challenge for today is to consider the same idea using
So, the challenge is:
What different shapes can you make using five hexagons?
Be careful that you do not have any the same as each other.
For example, these two look different but are in fact
Please send in all the different shapes you can get and let us know
how you made sure you had found them all.
Perhaps you also have some ideas about how you may go further with
the question "I wonder what would happen if I ...?"