The ability to work with big and small numbers is a very important
scientific skill. These
questions provide a variety of contexts where handling such
numbers is necessary, while offering practice at identifying key
information and making decisions about estimates and
Possible approach
These questions could be used individually as starters or
fillers within lessons. Alternatively, a class could work on
different questions in small groups and then present their answers
with reasoning to the rest of the class to stimulate discussion.
Some questions can be tackled with little specialist knowledge;
others may require research and additional information, as well as
some assumptions, in order to come up with an answer.
It is important to stress that there is no "correct" answer
for some of these questions - the value of this task comes from
having a go at estimating and calculating with big and small
numbers, and discussing assumptions that need to be made and extra
data that needs to be sought in order to find a solution.
Key questions
What assumptions have you made?
What other information do you need?
Are there any questions which give an exact answer? Can you
say anything about the accuracy of those answers which aren't
Possible extension
This problem could be done in conjunction with
Big and Small Numbers in Biology. Similar questions
could be created and shared within the class.
Possible support
Start with those questions which have familiar content, and
encourage whole class discussion of the ideas in them, before
tackling any of the questions which require extra information. It
is well worth suggesting that students read the article
Student Guide to Getting Started with Rich Tasks before
tackling a very open problem like this one.