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These pictures show a tower with a pointed roof in the garden of a cottage.
The tower looks a different size in each of the pictures. I wonder why?
Discuss your thoughts and ideas with others.
What would you like to find out about these four pictures?
Encourage them to make suggestions as to what has happened to create these pictures. Explain that you're not expecting them to know necessarily straight away how to do it so give them plenty of time to work on ideas in pairs or small groups. Pupils may also be encouraged to validate their suggestions, for example by using two items of their choice to position and compare.
Just as valuable as having a go at this activity is the discussion which should then follow. Bring everyone together and invite pairs/groups to explain how they went about the problem. You may like to jot a few notes on the board so by the time everyone has contributed, there is a record of the different approaches to which subsequent discussion can refer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Which approach might individuals use if they were having a go at a similar task? Why?