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Up, Down, Flying Around printable sheet - instructions
Up, Down, Flying Around printable sheet - board
Up, Down, Flying Around printable sheet - balloon pieces
Up, Down, Flying Around printable sheet - number cards
Up, Down, Flying Around printable sheet - alternative number cards
Watch the video below to see how to play the Balloon Game.
If you can't see the video, click below to read the rules.
To play the game, you will need to print out the following:
Balloon Pieces
Number Cards (print out two sets of these and shuffle them together).
Alternatively, you may wish to play with these:
Alternative Number Cards
Here are some other games you can play with the number cards:
Alternative Balloon Game
Take two operation cards and two number cards, and choose how to arrange them to give you maximum lift (or minimise your sinking!). You may need a larger winning target than 20 for this game.
Highest Totals Game
Shuffle the number cards and operation cards. Each player is dealt three number cards and two operation cards. Arrange them to make the highest total you can. The winner gets one point; first to 10 points wins.
Variation 1: Deal each player four number cards and three operation cards.
Variation 2: As above, but arrange the cards to get as close to zero as you can.
Throwing Away Zeros
Deal six number cards to each player.
When it is your turn, you can combine cards with operations of your choice to make zero. (For example, you could discard -7, 3 and -4 because -7 + 3 - -4 =0).
At the end of your turn, take ONE card from the pack.
The winner is the first person to get rid of all their cards.
An investigation involving adding and subtracting sets of consecutive numbers. Lots to find out, lots to explore.
Five numbers added together in pairs produce: 0, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 What are the five numbers?
If the odd numbers on two dice are made negative, which of the totals cannot be achieved?