There are 12 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Converting between units, you may find related items under Measuring and calculating with units.
Broad Topics > Measuring and calculating with units > Converting between unitsThese Olympic quantities have been jumbled up! Can you put them back together again?
Andy wants to cycle from Land's End to John o'Groats. Will he be able to eat enough to keep him going?
My measurements have got all jumbled up! Swap them around and see if you can find a combination where every measurement is valid.
In which Olympic event does a human travel fastest? Decide which events to include in your Alternative Record Book.
Is it really greener to go on the bus, or to buy local?
Can you choose your units so that a cube has the same numerical value for it volume, surface area and total edge length?
Which units would you choose best to fit these situations?
Can you match up the entries from this table of units?
When you change the units, do the numbers get bigger or smaller?
Can you use this information to estimate how much the different fruit selections weigh in kilos and pounds?