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If an athlete takes 10 minutes longer to walk, run and cycle three miles than he does to cycle all three miles, how long does it take him?
Sarah's average speed for a journey was 2 mph, and her return average speed was 4 mph. What is her average speed for the whole journey?
The 80 spokes of The London Eye are made from 4 miles of cable. What is the approximate circumference of the wheel?
How many bees could fly 1000 miles if they had 10 gallons of honey?
After tennis training, Andy, Roger and Maria collect up the balls. Can you work out how many Andy collects?
Look at the times that Harry, Christine and Betty take to pack boxes when working in pairs, to find how fast Christine can pack boxes by herself.
Albert Einstein is experimenting with two unusual clocks. At what time do they next agree?
In a supermarket, there are two lines of tightly packed trolleys. What is the length of one trolley?
Stephen stops at Darlington on his way to Durham. At what time does he arrive at Durham?
When Andrew arrives at the end of the walkway, how far is he ahead of Bill?