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This problem asks students to find powers of a matrix, and to make a conjecture about their results.
If students have met proof by induction they could use this to prove their conjecture.
Students may like to use this Matrix Power Calculator to help them calculate {\bf M}^2, {\bf M}^3 etc. and also to investigate higher powers. It is perhaps slightly harder to spot why we get the answers we do if using the calculator rather than calculating the powers by hand.
Students could be asked to use matrix {\bf Q} to prove the following statements:
F_n^2+F_{n-1}^2 = F_{2n-1}
Where F_{n} is the n^{\text {th}} Fibonacci number.
There are more matrix problems in this feature.
This problem in geometry has been solved in no less than EIGHT ways by a pair of students. How would you solve it? How many of their solutions can you follow? How are they the same or different? Which do you like best?
Follow hints using a little coordinate geometry, plane geometry and trig to see how matrices are used to work on transformations of the plane.
Follow hints to investigate the matrix which gives a reflection of the plane in the line y=tanx. Show that the combination of two reflections in intersecting lines is a rotation.