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You might like to look at the problem Markov Matrices before attempting this problem.
Four children, A, B, C and D, are playing a version of the game "pass the parcel". They stand in a circle, so that ABCDA is the clockwise order. Each time a whistle is blown, the child holding the parcel is supposed to pass the parcel immediately exactly one place clockwise.
In fact each child, independently of any other past event, passes the parcel clockwise with probability \frac{1}{4}, passes it anticlockwise with probability \frac{1}{4} and fails to pass it at all with probability \frac{1}{2}.
You may find these Matrix Power calculators useful:
There are more matrix problems in this feature.
Based on STEP Mathematics 2, 2018, Q13. Question reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge Assessment Group Archives. The question remains Copyright University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate ("UCLES"), All rights reserved.
This problem in geometry has been solved in no less than EIGHT ways by a pair of students. How would you solve it? How many of their solutions can you follow? How are they the same or different? Which do you like best?
Follow hints using a little coordinate geometry, plane geometry and trig to see how matrices are used to work on transformations of the plane.
Follow hints to investigate the matrix which gives a reflection of the plane in the line y=tanx. Show that the combination of two reflections in intersecting lines is a rotation.