This solution was submitted by Curt from Reigate College. Well done
(1) Explain the features of the graph of the relation |x|+|y|=1.
If the above equation is true then neither |x| nor |y| can be
greater than 1. If say 1+h =|x| > 1, we have: 1+h + |y| =1
and so |y| = -h < 0, a contradiction, as |a|\geq 0 for any
a. Therefore, this function is not defined for values of x and
y greater than 1.
I now quote without proof the fact that if |a| = t then a =t or
a= -t. This is useful when applied in this problem.
If |y| = 1- |x| then y = 1 - |x| or y = -1 + |x|. If y = 1-
|x| then y= 1 + x or y= 1-x. Similarly, if y = -1 + |x|,
then y=x-1 or y=-x-1.
The graph is the line segments (where -1< x< 1 and -1<
y< 1) given by: y=1-x in the first quadrant; y=1+x in the
second quadrant; y=-1-x in the third quadrant and y=x-1 in the
fourth quadrant.
Editor's note: By symmetry if
(a,b) satisfies this relation then so does (b,a),\ (-a,b)\
(-b,a)\ (-a,-b),\ (-b,-a),\ (a,-b),\ {\rm and}\ (b,-a) so the
graph is the square consisting of the four line segments
The line segments are perpendicular and intersect at (0,1), (-1,0)
(0,-1) and (1,0). The square shape with vertices at the above
co-ordinates, has symmetry in y=x, y= -x, y=0 and x=0. I
refer to this as a graph, not a function, due to one-to-many
2) As n/(n+1) can be written as 1/(1+1/n), by dividing both
numerator and denominator by n we consider: \eqalign{
\left(1+{1\over n}\right)^n &= 1 + n\left({1\over n}\right) +
{n(n-1)\over 2}\left({1\over n}\right)^2 + \ldots \cr &= 2 +
\ldots \geq 2 > 1 .} Taking the nth root 1+ {1\over n} \geq
2^{1/n} > 1^{1/n} =1 Hence {1\over(1+1/n)}={n\over(n+1)}
\leq {1\over 2^{1/n}} < 1.
(3) Taking the simple case x^2 + y^2 = 1 (the circle), and
considering the first quadrant, it will be shown that y decreases
as x increases. As this is in the first quadrant, the positive
root alone is considered: y = (1-x^2)^{1/2}. As x increases to
a maximum value of 1 on the interval 0 \leq x \leq 1 so x^2
increases monotonically and f(x)=1-x^2 decreases monotonically
(to confirm, check f'(x)=-2x).
If we have f(x_1)> f(x_2) (with x_1< x_2), then taking
the positive square root of both sides, we have {f(x_1)}^{1/2}
> {f(x_2)}^{1/2}. So as x increases, y decreases.
This same method could be extended to all values of n. For g(x)
= 1-x^n then g(x+h)< g(x) for h> 0 because x^n
increases monotonically on the interval 0< x< 1. Clearly,
if x_1< x_2 then x_1^n< x_2^n so 1-x_1^n> 1-x_2^n
and hence g(x_1)> g(x_2). Taking the positive nth root of both
sides, we get: y_1 = {g(x_1)}^{1/n}> {g(x_2)}^{1/n}=y_2. So
y_1 > y_2 for x_1 < x_2 ; hence as x increases in the
first quadrant, y decreases.
Editor's note: Alternatively we
can use calculus to prove this. Fixing one value of n in
x^n+y^n=1: \eqalign{ y^n &= 1-x^n \cr ny^{n-1}{dy\over dx}
&= -nx^{n-1}\cr {dy\over dx}&= -{x^{n-1}\over y^{n-1}} <
0.} As x and y are positive in the first quadrant we see that
the derivative is negative which shows that y decreases as x
When x=y, on the general graph x^n + y^n = 1 we get 2x^n=1 so
x=y=1/(2^{1/n}). From earlier in this question, we have for
n> 1, {n\over n+1} < {1\over 2^{1/n}} so x=y >
n/(n+1). Therefore, as there is only one solution to 2x^n = 1 in
the first quadrant, the graph should lie outside the square with
coordinates: (0,0),\ (0, n/(n+1)),\ (n/(n+1), n/(n+1)),\
(n/(n+1),0) In the first quadrant, as x,y\geq 0, and on x^n +
y^n = 1, neither x nor y may be greater than 1, there are no
co-ordinates on the curve for which x,y> 1. If x> 1 then
x^n=1+g, for g> 0 so y^n=-g, which is not allowed in the
first quadrant. The curve must lie inside (or on at the co-ordinate
axes) the square with coordinates (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (0,0) NB,
the curve will touch the square only at vertices (1,0) and
(4) As n \to \infty, 1/(1+1/n) = n/(1+n) \to 1.
The square which the curve must lie within is fixed (as above).
However, as n increases, the square which the curve must lie
outside of gets increasingly large. As the curve is squeezed
between two squares, its shape becomes increasingly more squared.
For curves where n is even, the curve becomes squeezed in all
four quadrants because, by symmetry (exactly as in part (1) of this
question) the graph is symmetric about y=x, y=-x, y=0 and
about x=0.
(5) In the first quadrant the graph of the relation x^3 + y^3
= 1 behaves similarly to other graphs where n is even. However,
the graph cannot be defined in the third quadrant for x< 0 and
y < 0, for that would lead to the sum of two negative numbers
being 1, which is not possible. The function is also defined for
x> 1, for negative numbers do have real cube roots. If x^3 =
1+a then y^3 = -a and so y=-a^{1/3} and x = (1+a)^{1/3}. For
large x (large a) this shows that x \approx -y, therefore the
graph reaches an asymptote with y= -x. The same thing happens as
x \to -\infty in the second quadrant.
The same features occur for the whole family of graphs of x^n
+ y^n=1 for odd n.
The graphs of |x^n| + |y^n| = 1 for odd n would have the
symmetrical squarish shape, reflecting the family of graphs in the
first quadrant into the remaining quadrants (see part 1).