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This problem was suggested by Yatir Halevi.
Solve the equation:
Solve the equation:
Can you find solutions to all equations of the form:
where the sequence of powers is defined in the same way and $a$ is a positive integer?
Explain what you have done and prove that you have found all possible solutions.
Find $S_r = 1^r + 2^r + 3^r + ... + n^r$ where r is any fixed positive integer in terms of $S_1, S_2, ... S_{r-1}$.
$2\wedge 3\wedge 4$ could be $(2^3)^4$ or $2^{(3^4)}$. Does it make any difference? For both definitions, which is bigger: $r\wedge r\wedge r\wedge r\dots$ where the powers of $r$ go on for ever, or $(r^r)^r$, where $r$ is $\sqrt{2}$?