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We had a collection of responses from Hymers College School. Katie wrote that while doing the challenge she found out a lot of different shapes the different tables made. She added that some people may say "How would you know when to end the sequence?". But the answer was that the shapes will end where you started. On a few of the tables she figured that once you have got the hang of the pattern you would be able to do the sequence backwards like on the $2$ times table. Ishita wrote:-
From the same school we also had responses from Jessica, Jamie and Quintin. Here are their pictures:-
A teacher from Stanmore Primary School wrote:-
Here are some images they sent in:
Nina from Wolfson Hillel School sent us the following notes. These impressed me; particularly her ideas which led to the picture.
EWWNP means Exploring Wild and Wonderful Number Patterns Created by Yourself! Investigate what happens if we create number patterns using some simple rules.
Let's suppose that you are going to have a magazine which has 16 pages of A5 size. Can you find some different ways to make these pages? Investigate the pattern for each if you number the pages.
Place four pebbles on the sand in the form of a square. Keep adding as few pebbles as necessary to double the area. How many extra pebbles are added each time?