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These activities are part of our Primary collections, which are problems grouped by topic.
You'll need to work in a group on this problem. Use your sticky notes to show the answer to questions such as 'how many girls are there in your group?'.
Some children were playing a game. Make a graph or picture to show how many ladybirds each child had.
Sort the houses in my street into different groups. Can you do it in any other ways?
My coat has three buttons. How many ways can you find to do up all the buttons?
This task depends on learners sharing reasoning, listening to opinions, reflecting and pulling ideas together.
Can you fill in the empty boxes in the grid with the right shape and colour?
Use the interactivity to help get a feel for this problem and to find out all the possible ways the balls could land.
Noah saw 12 legs walk by into the Ark. How many creatures did he see?
Take three differently coloured blocks - maybe red, yellow and blue. Make a tower using one of each colour. How many different towers can you make?
Start with three pairs of socks. Now mix them up so that no mismatched pair is the same as another mismatched pair. Is there more than one way to do it?
This activity is based on data in the book 'If the World Were a Village'. How will you represent your chosen data for maximum effect?
How could you put these three beads into bags? How many different ways can you do it? How could you record what you've done?
What can you say about the child who will be first on the playground tomorrow morning at breaktime in your school?
Three children are going to buy some plants for their birthdays. They will plant them within circular paths. How could they do this?
The class were playing a maths game using interlocking cubes. Can you help them record what happened?