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When Kate ate a giant date, the average weight of the dates decreased. What was the weight of the date that Kate ate?
How many visitors does a tourist attraction need next week in order to break even?
Find these 4 numbers, given their mode, median and range.
Find 4 numbers which have a mean of 7, a median of 8 and a mode of 9.
What is the average weight of five ballet dancers and ten rugby players?
The pie chart shows the different types of ice creams on sale. How many chocolate ice creams were sold?
Can you fill this square so that the number in the middle of each line is the mean of the two numbers on either side of it?
Given this information about averages, find the ages of these teachers.
Can you work out the four unknown numbers from the clues about their means?
The average temperature of six cities is 5$^\circ$C. What is the average temperature when two cities are added?
In which town should five friends meet, in order to keep the total travelling distance as small as possible?
Can you find the mode and median number of goals scored by Alpha United?
Two students collected some data on the wingspan of bats, but each lost a measurement. Can you find the missing information?
What happens to the average if you subtract 8 from all of the numbers?
What is the largest number Sophie can use to have seven positive integers with a mean of 7?
What is the probability that the next person you meet has an above average number of arms?
Every member of the club is a member of two committees. How many members are there in the club?
Grandpa made a super-heavy rock cake. Five people have guessed the weight of the cake. Can you work out the weight of his cake?
Can you find a way to break one of these rods so that one of the pieces is equal to the mean of the other two?
Choose a couple of the sequences. Try to picture how to make the next, and the next, and the next... Can you describe your reasoning?