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This problem requires some simple knowledge of fractions and multiples and demands some strategic thinking. It may offer a good opportunity to compare methods between students - there isn't just one route to the solution. Note that there is no need to use algebra in this problem.
This printable worksheet may be useful: Ben's Game.
Choose three students to act out the scenario with a (real or imaginary) pot of 40 counters, as described under support below.
Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to try and find the answer. If any groups are successful too quickly (!) ask them to change the total number of counters, or one or more of the fractions, and to adapt their strategies to the new situations.
As a group discuss the methods used.
What worked? What didn't work?
If faced with a similar problem in future, which methods would the class use?
Here are some possibilities:
Make a set of numbers that use all the digits from 1 to 9, once and once only. Add them up. The result is divisible by 9. Add each of the digits in the new number. What is their sum? Now try some other possibilities for yourself!
Take any pair of two digit numbers x=ab and y=cd where, without loss of generality, ab > cd . Form two 4 digit numbers r=abcd and s=cdab and calculate: {r^2 - s^2} /{x^2 - y^2}.