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These printable cards may be useful: all 16 propositions, just 8 propositions (as in the Getting Started section)
This problem will help to train students in the art of careful, logical, pure thinking which will help to develop their general mathematical skill. It will require students to address issues surrounding integration, use of functions, and inequalities, without needing to go into any particular detail with calculation of integrals.
$$x> 4 \Rightarrow x> 3\mbox{ and } x=-2 \Leftrightarrow x^3=-8$$
are correct but
The next step is to ensure that everyone can construct their own individual examples of correct mathematical statements using propositions from the list. Once students have a couple of examples of such statements they should share them with the class and explain their reasoning. Do others agree or disagree? TALKING about such results will quickly highlight woolly or fallacious thinking and is an important part of the mathematical process.
Once the group has a feel for constructing the implications, they need to concentrate on using all of the statements to construct a complete set of 8 statements. Encourage students to consider their reasoning clearly in each case. Can the class complete the task with a clear explanation in each case?
It is rather helpful to draw diagrams and number lines when thinking about inequalities. Shade the parts of the number line which apply to a particular inequality to help see which way round the logic flows.
If possible, start off with Iffy logic and the support materal suggested there.
The Getting Started section suggests considering half the statements (8 propositions) before looking at the remaining statements.
Are there multiple solutions? Can students make up a similar set of questions to give to each other to try? Can they write down really clear explanations of why, for example, $x> 4\Rightarrow x> 2$?
A and B are two fixed points on a circle and RS is a variable diamater. What is the locus of the intersection P of AR and BS?
Make a conjecture about the sum of the squares of the odd positive integers. Can you prove it?