There are 19 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Mass and weight, you may find related items under Measuring and calculating with units.
Broad Topics > Measuring and calculating with units > Mass and weightA group of animals has made a seesaw in the woods. How can you make the seesaw balance?
Can you rank these sets of quantities in order, from smallest to largest? Can you provide convincing evidence for your rankings?
Can you place these quantities in order from smallest to largest?
My measurements have got all jumbled up! Swap them around and see if you can find a combination where every measurement is valid.
Measure problems at primary level that may require resilience.
Measure problems at primary level that require careful consideration.
Measure problems for primary learners to work on with others.
Measure problems for inquiring primary learners.
These watermelons have been entered into a competition. Use the information to work out the number of points each one was awarded.
This article for teachers suggests ideas for activities built around 10 and 2010.
Can you use this information to estimate how much the different fruit selections weigh in kilos and pounds?
This article for teachers suggests ways in which dinosaurs can be a great context for discussing measurement.
This article, written for students, looks at how some measuring units and devices were developed.
This article for teachers recounts the history of measurement, encouraging it to be used as a spring board for cross-curricular activity.
How can you use just one weighing to find out which box contains the lighter ten coins out of the ten boxes?
A game for two or more players that uses a knowledge of measuring tools. Spin the spinner and identify which jobs can be done with the measuring tool shown.
On the table there is a pile of oranges and lemons that weighs exactly one kilogram. Using the information, can you work out how many lemons there are?
Grandma found her pie balanced on the scale with two weights and a quarter of a pie. So how heavy was each pie?
There are four equal weights on one side of the scale and an apple on the other side. What can you say that is true about the apple and the weights from the picture?