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This problem challenges students to describe patterns clearly - verbally, numerically and algebraically. It does not assume prior knowledge of algebra and could be a good way to introduce, practise or assess algebraic fluency.
Similar-looking questions are often asked, expecting an approach that uses number sequences for finding a formulae for the $n^{th}$ term. This problem deliberately bypasses all that, instead focusing on the structure of the pattern so that the algebraic expressions emerge naturally from that structure.
While the students are sketching, look out for students creating the image in different ways, such as Phoebe's, Alice's and Luke's methods in the problem.
Select at least three students who have used different methods, and invite them to draw the image on the board (perhaps using colours to emphasise the order in which it was drawn).
"Without counting individual matches can you say how many matchsticks there are in the drawing?"
Alternatively, you could show the class the videos provided in the problem showing three different methods.
Next, hand out this worksheet. There are six different patterns with the simpler ones at the start. Invite students to work in pairs:
"With your partner, choose two or three of the six patterns and have a go at the questions. Make sure you can explain clearly how you worked out your answers, focusing on the order in which you would draw the diagram, like we did for the Seven Squares problem."
While students are working, circulate and listen to the conversations, identifying students who have really elegant ways of seeing the general case in the initial picture.
"I'm going to give you ten minutes to prepare a poster presenting one of the problems you worked on and explaining how you arrived at your solution."
Students could choose which problem to work on, and you could guide particular students towards problems where you have noticed them reasoning clearly.
Once they have produced their poster, there are a number of different ways that sharing and feedback could be organised:
Encourage students to draw a few examples of each pattern and notice how their drawings develop.
Here are a couple of suitable follow-up problems that use the structure of a situation to lead to algebraic generalisations:
Investigate how you can work out what day of the week your birthday will be on next year, and the year after...
15 = 7 + 8 and 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. Can you say which numbers can be expressed as the sum of two or more consecutive integers?
How many different ways can I lay 10 paving slabs, each 2 foot by 1 foot, to make a path 2 foot wide and 10 foot long from my back door into my garden, without cutting any of the paving slabs?