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Here are two solutions, one from Simon from Elizabeth College, Guernsey and one from Andrei from Tudor Vianu National College, Bucharest, Romania. First Simon's solution.
Andrei considered the natural logarithms of the functions and plotted their graphs. For the factorial n function Andrei used Stirling's Approximation which is valid for large n.
$2\wedge 3\wedge 4$ could be $(2^3)^4$ or $2^{(3^4)}$. Does it make any difference? For both definitions, which is bigger: $r\wedge r\wedge r\wedge r\dots$ where the powers of $r$ go on for ever, or $(r^r)^r$, where $r$ is $\sqrt{2}$?
A point moves around inside a rectangle. What are the least and the greatest values of the sum of the squares of the distances from the vertices?
By inscribing a circle in a square and then a square in a circle find an approximation to pi. By using a hexagon, can you improve on the approximation?