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This problem is one of a set of problems about probability and uncertainty. Intuition can often let us down when we meet probability in real life contexts; this problem has been designed to provoke discussions that challenge commonly held misconceptions such as the Gambler's Fallacy.
Hand out this worksheet (Word, PDF) with the statements from the problem, and give everyone time to read them through and decide for themselves whether they think the advice is good or not.
Are future results affected by previous results?
Lots of advice is based on accurate statistical data - does that necessarily mean it is useful advice?
The problem has been structured as a discussion task so that learners can support each other in coming to a better understanding. By allocating a view for each pair to argue, it allows those who hold these misconceptions the chance to freely explore them without fear of ridicule.
Ask learners to collect over several weeks some examples of probability misconceptions in the media, in school or at home, which could be used to create a classroom display.
Your partner chooses two beads and places them side by side behind a screen. What is the minimum number of guesses you would need to be sure of guessing the two beads and their positions?
In a race the odds are: 2 to 1 against the rhinoceros winning and 3 to 2 against the hippopotamus winning. What are the odds against the elephant winning if the race is fair?