There are 14 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages, you may find related items under Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion.
Broad Topics > Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion > Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentagesIs there a quick way to work out whether a fraction terminates or recurs when you write it as a decimal?
Watch this animation. What do you see? Can you explain why this happens?
Choose some fractions and add them together. Can you get close to 1?
The Egyptians expressed all fractions as the sum of different unit fractions. The Greedy Algorithm might provide us with an efficient way of doing this.
Can you locate these values on this interactive logarithmic scale?
Where will the point stop after it has turned through 30 000 degrees? I took out my calculator and typed 30 000 รท 360. How did this help?
A jigsaw where pieces only go together if the fractions are equivalent.
Using the picture of the fraction wall, can you find equivalent fractions?
What do you notice about these families of recurring decimals?
Can you match pairs of fractions, decimals and percentages, and beat your previous scores?
Can you find ways to make twenty-link chains from these smaller chains? This gives opportunities for different approaches.
Can you find combinations of strips of paper which equal the length of the black strip? If the length of the black is 1, how could you write the sum of the strips?