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Congratulations Andrei for another very good solution.
The 4 functions are: $$A(x) = \sin x,\quad B(x) = 1 - \cos x,\quad C(x) = \log (1+x), \quad D(x) = 1- {1\over (1-x)}.$$ I consider the logarithm in base e. First I plotted the 4 functions using Graphmatica. In all figures $A(x)$ is violet, $B(x)$ is white, $C(x)$ is red and $D(x)$ is cyan. For $[-1, 1]$ I obtain:
Build series for the sine and cosine functions by adding one term at a time, alternately making the approximation too big then too small but getting ever closer.
Look at the advanced way of viewing sin and cos through their power series.