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You are given a limitless supply of right-angled triangles with hypotenuses of unit length and angles of $60$ and $30$ degrees. Can you make a square from these pieces without any gaps or overlaps? See the video clip for a discussion of this problem.
A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle. Smaller circles touch it and the sides of the triangle, the process continuing indefinitely. What is the sum of the areas of all the circles?
$2\wedge 3\wedge 4$ could be $(2^3)^4$ or $2^{(3^4)}$. Does it make any difference? For both definitions, which is bigger: $r\wedge r\wedge r\wedge r\dots$ where the powers of $r$ go on for ever, or $(r^r)^r$, where $r$ is $\sqrt{2}$?