There are 9 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Energy, you may find related items under Mechanics.
Broad Topics > Mechanics > EnergyShow that even a very powerful spaceship would eventually run out of overtaking power
How fast would you have to throw a ball upwards so that it would never land?
A ball whooshes down a slide and hits another ball which flies off the slide horizontally as a projectile. How far does it go?
Gravity on the Moon is about 1/6th that on the Earth. A pole-vaulter 2 metres tall can clear a 5 metres pole on the Earth. How high a pole could he clear on the Moon?
Derive an equation which describes satellite dynamics.
Explore the energy of this incredibly energetic particle which struck Earth on October 15th 1991
Investigate why the Lennard-Jones potential gives a good approximate explanation for the behaviour of atoms at close ranges
How high can a high jumper jump? How can a high jumper jump higher without jumping higher? Read on...