There are 13 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Decimals, you may find related items under Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion.
Broad Topics > Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion > DecimalsIs there a quick way to work out whether a fraction terminates or recurs when you write it as a decimal?
Take turns to place a decimal number on the spiral. Can you get three consecutive numbers?
Find the product of the numbers on the routes from A to B. Which route has the smallest product? Which the largest?
Where will the point stop after it has turned through 30 000 degrees? I took out my calculator and typed 30 000 รท 360. How did this help?
What do you notice about these families of recurring decimals?
Can you match pairs of fractions, decimals and percentages, and beat your previous scores?
The items in the shopping basket add and multiply to give the same amount. What could their prices be?
Is it cheaper to cook a meal from scratch or to buy a ready meal? What difference does the number of people you're cooking for make?
What does the empirical formula of this mixture of iron oxides tell you about its consituents?
Try to solve this very difficult problem and then study our two suggested solutions. How would you use your knowledge to try to solve variants on the original problem?
Find out why these matrices are magic. Can you work out how they were made? Can you make your own Magic Matrix?
Use the clocks to investigate French decimal time in this problem. Can you see how this time system worked?