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Consider a right angled triangle with an acute angle of \theta. Let the base of the triangle be of length 2.
Find the height of the triangle in terms of t, where t=\tan \theta.
Now imagine a line in the triangle which forms an isosceles triangle with two angles equal to \theta.
Use this diagram to prove the double angle formula, where t=\tan \theta: \tan2\theta = {2t\over {1-t^2}}, \quad \sin2\theta = {2t\over {1+t^2}},\quad \cos2\theta = {{1-t^2}\over {1+t^2}}
If for any triangle ABC tan(A - B) + tan(B - C) + tan(C - A) = 0 what can you say about the triangle?
Beautiful mathematics. Two 18 year old students gave eight different proofs of one result then generalised it from the 3 by 1 case to the n by 1 case and proved the general result.
Follow hints to investigate the matrix which gives a reflection of the plane in the line y=tanx. Show that the combination of two reflections in intersecting lines is a rotation.