There are 54 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Handling data, you may find related items under Handling, processing and representing data.
Broad Topics > Handling, processing and representing data > Handling dataPlay around with sets of five numbers and see what you can discover about different types of average...
Match the cumulative frequency curves with their corresponding box plots.
Anna, Ben and Charlie have been estimating 30 seconds. Who is the best?
Can you do a little mathematical detective work to figure out which number has been wiped out?
Can you find sets of numbers which satisfy each of our mean, median, mode and range conditions?
How well can you estimate 10 seconds? Investigate with our timing tool.
With access to weather station data, what interesting questions can you investigate?
Infographics are a powerful way of communicating statistical information. Can you come up with your own?
How can we make sense of national and global statistics involving very large numbers?
Is it the fastest swimmer, the fastest runner or the fastest cyclist who wins the Olympic Triathlon?
Six samples were taken from two distributions but they got muddled up. Can you work out which list is which?
Can you decide whether these short statistical statements are always, sometimes or never true?
Andy wants to cycle from Land's End to John o'Groats. Will he be able to eat enough to keep him going?
Can you deduce which Olympic athletics events are represented by the graphs?
Which countries have the most naturally athletic populations?
What statements can you make about the car that passes the school gates at 11am on Monday? How will you come up with statements and test your ideas?
What can you say about the child who will be first on the playground tomorrow morning at breaktime in your school?
You are organising a school trip and you need to write a letter to parents to let them know about the day. Use the cards to gather all the information you need.
The class were playing a maths game using interlocking cubes. Can you help them record what happened?
Invent a scoring system for a 'guess the weight' competition.
Charlie has moved between countries and the average income of both has increased. How can this be so?
If you have a large supply of 3kg and 8kg weights, how many of each would you need for the average (mean) of the weights to be 6kg?
If you are given the mean, median and mode of five positive whole numbers, can you find the numbers?
This problem offers you two ways to test reactions - use them to investigate your ideas about speeds of reaction.
Can you guess the colours of the 10 marbles in the bag? Can you develop an effective strategy for reaching 1000 points in the least number of rounds?
Find the frequency distribution for ordinary English, and use it to help you crack the code.
Start with two numbers and generate a sequence where the next number is the mean of the last two numbers...
Can you make sense of information about trees in order to maximise the profits of a forestry company?
Where do people fly to from London? What is good and bad about these representations?
This pilot collection of resources is designed to introduce key statistical ideas and help students to deepen their understanding.
What happens to the average if you subtract 8 from all of the numbers?
Statistics problems at primary level that may require resilience.
Statistics problems at primary level that require careful consideration.
Statistics problems for primary learners to work on with others.
Statistics problems for inquiring primary learners.
Can you use your powers of logic and deduction to work out the missing information in these sporty situations?
Here is the start of a six-part challenge. Can you get to the end and crack the final message?
A random ramble for teachers through some resources that might add a little life to a statistics class.
Why MUST these statistical statements probably be at least a little bit wrong?
This article explores the process of making and testing hypotheses.
Use your skill and judgement to match the sets of random data.
This article for teachers looks at some suggestions taken from the NRICH website that offer a broad view of data and ask some more probing questions about it.
This article for teachers describes an activity which encourages meaningful data collection, display and interpretation.
This short article gives an outline of the origins of Morse code and its inventor and how the frequency of letters is reflected in the code they were given.
You may like to read the article on Morse code before attempting this question. Morse's letter analysis was done over 150 years ago, so might there be a better allocation of symbols today?
Like all sports rankings, the cricket ratings involve some maths. In this case, they use a mathematical technique known as exponential weighting. For those who want to know more, read on.
Nine cross country runners compete in a team competition in which there are three matches. If you were a judge how would you decide who would win?