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This game is known as Pong hau k'i in China and Ou-moul-ko-no in Korea. Find a friend to play or try the interactive version online.
A game in which players take it in turns to choose a number. Can you block your opponent?
Everthing you have always wanted to do with dominoes! Some of these games are good for practising your mental calculation skills, and some are good for your reasoning skills.
Place the numbers 1, 2, 3,..., 9 one on each square of a 3 by 3 grid so that all the rows and columns add up to a prime number. How many different solutions can you find?
A game for 2 players with similarities to NIM. Place one counter on each spot on the games board. Players take it is turns to remove 1 or 2 adjacent counters. The winner picks up the last counter.
A game for 2 players. Take turns to place a counter so that it occupies one of the lowest possible positions in the grid. The first player to complete a line of 4 wins.
Can you put the 25 coloured tiles into the 5 x 5 square so that no column, no row and no diagonal line have tiles of the same colour in them?
Using the 8 dominoes make a square where each of the columns and rows adds up to 8
An ordinary set of dominoes can be laid out as a 7 by 4 magic rectangle in which all the spots in all the columns add to 24, while those in the rows add to 42. Try it! Now try the magic square...
Can you visualise whether these nets fold up into 3D shapes? Watch the videos each time to see if you were correct.
In a city with a grid system of roads, how do you get from A to B?
Take ten sticks in heaps any way you like. Make a new heap using one from each of the heaps. By repeating that process could the arrangement 7 - 1 - 1 - 1 ever turn up, except by starting with it?
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a square.
There are lots of different methods to find out what the shapes are worth - how many can you find?
The clues for this Sudoku are the product of the numbers in adjacent squares.
Can you solve the clues to find out who's who on the friendship graph?
In this game the winner is the first to complete a row of three. Are some squares easier to land on than others?
How many winning lines can you make in a three-dimensional version of noughts and crosses?
Caroline and James pick sets of five numbers. Charlie tries to find three that add together to make a multiple of three. Can they stop him?
Can you use small coloured cubes to make a 3 by 3 by 3 cube so that each face of the bigger cube contains one of each colour?
How many solutions can you find to this sum? Each of the different letters stands for a different number.
Using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, mulitply a two two digit numbers are multiplied to give a four digit number, so that the expression is correct. How many different solutions can you find?
A game for 2 players. Set out 16 counters in rows of 1,3,5 and 7. Players take turns to remove any number of counters from a row. The player left with the last counter looses.
Can you find a strategy that ensures you get to take the last biscuit in this game?
Four friends must cross a bridge. How can they all cross it in just 17 minutes?
Given the nets of 4 cubes with the faces coloured in 4 colours, build a tower so that on each vertical wall no colour is repeated, that is all 4 colours appear.
Choose four consecutive whole numbers. Multiply the first and last numbers together. Multiply the middle pair together. What do you notice?
Have a go at creating these images based on circles. What do you notice about the areas of the different sections?
In 15 years' time my age will be the square of my age 15 years ago. Can you work out my age, and when I had other special birthdays?
Can you make a regular hexagon from yellow triangles the same size as a regular hexagon made from green triangles ?
How have "Warmsnug" arrived at the prices shown on their windows? Which window has been given an incorrect price?
Polygons drawn on square dotty paper have dots on their perimeter (p) and often internal (i) ones as well. Find a relationship between p, i and the area of the polygons.
Many numbers can be expressed as the difference of two perfect squares. What do you notice about the numbers you CANNOT make?
In this problem we are faced with an apparently easy area problem, but it has gone horribly wrong! What happened?
Take any prime number greater than 3 , square it and subtract one. Working on the building blocks will help you to explain what is special about your results.
There are unexpected discoveries to be made about square numbers...
Which has the greatest area, a circle or a square, inscribed in an isosceles right angle triangle?
A 2-Digit number is squared. When this 2-digit number is reversed and squared, the difference between the squares is also a square. What is the 2-digit number?
Can you rearrange the cards to make a series of correct mathematical statements?
Eulerian and Hamiltonian circuits are defined with some simple examples and a couple of puzzles to illustrate Hamiltonian circuits.
Can you make sense of the three methods to work out what fraction of the total area is shaded?
Given the nets of 4 cubes with the faces coloured in 4 colours, build a tower so that on each vertical wall no colour is repeated, that is all 4 colours appear.
In this problem we are faced with an apparently easy area problem, but it has gone horribly wrong! What happened?
A 2-Digit number is squared. When this 2-digit number is reversed and squared, the difference between the squares is also a square. What is the 2-digit number?