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You'll need to know your number properties to win a game of Statement Snap...
A game in which players take it in turns to choose a number. Can you block your opponent?
Follow this recipe for sieving numbers and see what interesting patterns emerge.
Each clue in this Sudoku is the product of the two numbers in adjacent cells.
Gabriel multiplied together some numbers and then erased them. Can you figure out where each number was?
A country has decided to have just two different coins, 3z and 5z coins. Which totals can be made? Is there a largest total that cannot be made? How do you know?
Using your knowledge of the properties of numbers, can you fill all the squares on the board?
Play the divisibility game to create numbers in which the first two digits make a number divisible by 2, the first three digits make a number divisible by 3...
How much of the square is coloured blue? How will the pattern continue?
Is there an efficient way to work out how many factors a large number has?
Nine squares are fitted together to form a rectangle. Can you find its dimensions?
Can you describe this route to infinity? Where will the arrows take you next?
Powers of numbers behave in surprising ways. Take a look at some of these and try to explain why they are true.
Can you work out what step size to take to ensure you visit all the dots on the circle?
Can you guarantee that, for any three numbers you choose, the product of their differences will always be an even number?
A collection of short problems on factors, multiples and primes.
This article explains various divisibility rules and why they work. An article to read with pencil and paper handy.
Caroline and James pick sets of five numbers. Charlie tries to find three that add together to make a multiple of three. Can they stop him?
The clues for this Sudoku are the product of the numbers in adjacent squares.
Using the digits 1 to 9, the number 4396 can be written as the product of two numbers. Can you find the factors?
The items in the shopping basket add and multiply to give the same amount. What could their prices be?
Is there a relationship between the coordinates of the endpoints of a line and the number of grid squares it crosses?
What is the largest number which, when divided into 1905, 2587, 3951, 7020 and 8725 in turn, leaves the same remainder each time?
Here is a Sudoku with a difference! Use information about lowest common multiples to help you solve it.
Can you create a Latin Square from multiples of a six digit number?